Welcome to AJOL!

Researchers and policy-makers need access to contextually-relevant quality enquiry publications from Africa in gild to develop solutions to address the continent's challenges in health, education, climate change & under-development.

African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals. AJOL is a Non-Turn a profit Organisation that (since 1998) works to increment global & continental online admission, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research. Millions of monthly downloads by site users from nearly every land in the earth are an indication of the need and widespread use of the AJOL initiative. More than half of the repeat users are from Africa.

AJOL hosts 560 Journals
including 294 Open Access Journals

The site has 16 368 Issues
containing 200 771 Abstracts
with 194 440 Full Text Articles for download
of which 132 858 are Open up Access

Since 1998, AJOL has been working for African enquiry to contribute to African development by:

  • Massively increasing global visibility of partner journals (AJOL is Not a publisher, nosotros are a journal aggregator platform - millions of site visits from all over the world)
  • Massively increasing global access to research published in African journals (millions of article downloads each month via AJOL)
  • Massively increasing African readership of African research
  • Quality, cost-saving (free) technical services to African-published journals to assistance their financial sustainability
  • Facilitating in-person regional workshops throughout the African continent for journal Editors, Editorial Boards, volunteers and staff
  • Assisting partner journals strengthen their publications, technically and in accord with ethically sound research and publishing practices and peer-to-peer learning
  • Sharing relevant and best do journal publishing practices (informed by global, regional and nationally accepted standards, and input by hundreds of journal Editors from developing countries)
  • Assisting to testify-case apparent and trusted African-published enquiry journals (via free assessment and feedback to journal partners and readers (www.journalquality.info))
  • Supporting and encouraging Open Access, and fee-free publication models
  • Providing access to a wide range of free resources to aid African journals, researchers and authors

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